Oracles of Richard Hopkins (2014)
Akshay Arora (actor),
Joey Campbell (actor),
Jaden Curtis (actor),
Billy Duncan (actor),
Brendan 'Bulldog' Eckstrom (actor),
Dennis Grishnin (actor),
Kevin Homoki (actor),
Saif Javeed (actor),
Dylan MacVicar (actor),
Jorge A. Pilay (actor),
Anthony Rondeau (actor),
Graham-John Salvaterra (actor),
Navaid Siddiqui (actor),
Christian Teatro (actor),
Anis Amad (actor),
Taglines: Consequences are a funny thing.
Richard Hopkins: With every blessing there is also a curse.
Richard Hopkins: Please, Ver. I feel like I haven't seen you in ages.::Verona Blaire: That's 'cause you haven't.
Verona Blaire: You always wanted to be a detective. Now's your chance to prove your father wrong.
Male Figure: This is war, Mustard. Casualties are inevitable.
Lila Blaire: You think that you can just take advantage of people. Come and go as you please. Use your wife. Use children. Use innocent girls.
Richard Hopkins: So, how's your boyfriend?::Verona Blaire: I dunno. I haven't seen him in a few days.
Verona Blaire: Don't let anyone touch you. I'm sure they have diseases.
Verona Blaire: Sil just gave you this?::Richard Hopkins: He made me solve a riddle...::Verona Blaire: Of course.
Verona Blaire: That's what he calls himself: "Colonel Mustard." The guy I get my drugs from... I don't pay him... in cash... He asked me to skip town with him. Lila didn't like that too much. Tried to convince me not to. I think he saw her as a threat.
Mustard's Wife: I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to speak to strangers.